Restoring Implants with Iverson Dental Labs

Restoring Implants with Iverson Dental Labs

Clinical application:

  • Implants have been placed, healed, and ready for restoration

Step 1Identify implant ** or reference the surgical report from time of implant placement

Step 2:  Choose type of workflow (see chart below)

  • Use Digital Workflow if an intraoral scanner is available
  • Use Conventional Workflow (physical impressions) if intraoral scanner unavailable, or if physical impressions/models are preferred

scan body and impression coping

Prior to appointment:

Order Scan Bodies

Patient in the chair:

  1. Scan the bite
    • Pt bites down, tack scan premolar area for proper occlusion
  2. Scan opposing arch
  3. Remove Healing Cap
  4. Scan the emergence profile
  5. Place Scan Body (screw into implant)
    • Verify with radiograph (no gaps)
    • Verify with floss (no contacts)
  6. Scan
  7. Remove Scan Body
  8. Place Healing cap
  9. Send data to lab

Free nobel scan body

Prior to appointment:

Order Impression Copings

Patient in the chair:

  1. Bite registration (*Blue Mousse)
  2. PVS impression opposing arch
    • use stock tray
    • do not use triple tray
  3. Remove Healing Cap, dry the area
  4. Place impression coping (hand tighten, no driver needed.  15 NCM if torquing)
    • * flat sides of coping should be parallel to adjacent teeth
  5. Cover access hole with wax
  6. Load Stock Tray (med or heavy body)
  7. Impress
  8. Remove tray
  9. Unscrew impression coping
    • Do not place it back into the impression unless an implant replica has been attached.
    • Simply send it with case
  10. Place Healing Cap
  11. Send impression + coping to lab

** Please remember to send Rx slip with instructions – include size and type of implant ** Please remember to specify the SHADE